What is “The Peaceable Kingdom Project”?
God created everything and because it is his all creation is magnificent
God created every living thing on the earth and gave mankind “dominion” over the animals- commanding us to care for them. This dominion is simply the opportunity to love God concretely by protecting and nurturing our fellow creatures. Animals live at the mercy of people, we can treat them as we please without fear of repercussion.
The Peaceable Kingdom Project is a ministry that is focused on uniting followers of Jesus who are compelled to speak up for His animals and work with organizations actively engaged in their welfare. We build relationships with people and faith communities working to protect animals while promoting the faith values that call upon us to act with compassion towards all creatures. Our prayer is that God would change the hearts of his people – that they would see a “who” not a “what” when they look at an animal.
If God’s dominion is love why should humanity’s dominion be torture, abuse and killing?
The Mission
Educate / Equip / Engage
We want to be the voice of God’s animals and create a movement of Christ followers who are committed to ending the suffering and cruelty inflicted upon them.
Study what scripture tells us about our command to care for animals
Raise awareness of the ways animals are being exploited and abused
Understand the power we have to change things
Give practical,concrete ways to help with our hands, our voices and our wallets
Get involved in projects and with organizations helping to end animal suffering
Engage our churches and communities in the quest to create a loving dominion
Company Profile

Peaceable Kingdom Project
Founded: 2013
Director: Cheryl Yoder
Central Indiana
Awesome Organizations
Hamilton County Humane Society
Indianapolis Animal Care & Control
FIDO – helps dogs chained outside
Indy Feral – helps outdoor cats
Indiana Animal Rights Alliance
Indianapolis Humane Society
Uplands Peak Farm Sanctuary
Kanda Farm Sanctuary
Erin’s Farm
Jenkins Forever Farm
Oinking Acres Farm
Reading Resources...
Animal Theology
The Dominion of Love
Compassion for Animals
For Love of Animals
God’s Covenant with Animals
Andrew Linzey
Norm Phelps
Matthew Sculley
Sara Withrow King
Charles Camosy
J.R. Hyland
Online Communities
Christian Veg Association
Creation Care Church
SARX – Christian Animal Welfare
US and International
Humane Society of the US
Farm Sanctuary
Best Friends Animal Society
Leaping Bunny
World Wildlife Fund
Free From Harm
Compassion Works International
Mercy For Animals
Evolve Campaigns
A Well Fed World
Stop Animal Exploitation Now
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
Change is made through learning, caring and doing.
The Peaceable Kingdom Project supports organizations already doing wonderful things to help God’s animals. Our support includes helping animals directly, cleaning and repairing shelters, providing pet food for those needing help and advocating on behalf of animals.